No Projector Lamp Replacements
When a Laser fails, or reaches 20,000 hours, it can't be replaced - there are no replacement lamps.
Do Laser Projectors Dim over time?
The truth is that brightness drops off with all light sources. When you reach the quoted lifespan, brightness is at 50%.
With Laser projectors this can cause an issue. if you have a video wall using 3 projectors, one lamp blows. You replace all the lamps,
brightness is then matched. If one of the Laser projectors were to fail, it would have to be replaced. The new projector would have 100% brightness,
the other two, depending on their age could be well below this. They may have to be replaced to match.
Some manufacturers have intoroduced a constant brightness feature, where the projectors run at say 75% brightness and can
use the 25% to keep the output constant.
LASER brightness over time