sRGB Technology
sRGB (Standard Red, Green and Blue) technology was developed to ensure uniform reproduction of color coordinates regardless of the display device used. Mitsubishi Electric’s sRGB Mode matches hue variations in the color spectrum accurately so that colors are reproduced exactly as they appear in real life.
3D Gamma Correction
Mitsubishi Electric’s 3D (three-dimensional) Gamma Correction technology enables its projectors to reproduce images with superior color and picture quality. Adjustment every 64 steps and full gray-scale control at gradations of 1% ensure optimum color management and the recreation of images with colors that are true to the original
Digital Keystone Correction
Sometimes it's not possible to set up the projector perpendicular to the screen. This can cause distortion to the image projected. Digital Keystone Correction readjusts trapezoidal and jagged screen images that result from oblique image projection to give an undistorted picture.