The In Focus Systems LitePro 570LS LCD projectors provide 640x480 resolution with compatibility up to 800x600. The LitePro’s active matrix liquid crystal display (LCD) is based on Thin Film Transistor (TFT
The LitePro is ideal for high-performance business, CAD and imaging applications that demand high resolution and exceptional colour quality
The LitePro LP570LS is compatible with a wide variety of computers:
IBM PC and compatibles, including laptop computers: in VGA graphics mode at all screen refresh rates; in SVGA and VESA up to 800x600 resolution at 56Hz and 60Hz refresh rates.
IBM PS/2 in VGA and MCGA modes.
Macintosh and Macintosh II series computers with detachable monitors, including Macintosh LC, Quadra, Centris and Power Macintosh in resolutions up to 832x624.
Apple Powerbook computers with video-out port and cable.
The LitePro 560/570 is not compatible with these systems:
IBM-compatibles in CGA or EGA graphics mode
Macintosh 128, 512, Plus, SE, SE/30 or Classic
- Macintosh Portable 100